The Infographic Project

About This Program

BWC’s Infographic Project creates Wave Anthologies: a collection of neuroscience-related infographics created by our volunteers. Crafted with the power of visual storytelling, these infographics transform complex neurological topics into simple and clear graphic displays of information. Our thoughtfully designed, theme-based collections cover everything between neurological-emergencies to brain conditions—and beyond.

Distributed to local hospitals, libraries, schools, and online, these anthologies inspire communities to take action, learn, and grow. By making vital knowledge accessible, we empower the public to embrace brain health with compassion and awareness.

Here’s an example of an infographic!

Create Your Own Infographic!

Research, create and submit with these easy steps!

Step 1: Research

Gather reliable information from academic journals, medical websites, or trusted publications. Be sure to break down ideas into simple, digestible facts.

The websites below are a great starting point!

Step 2: Design on Canva

Sign in on and search “poster infographic” for a template that fits your theme or create your own! Make sure that the infographic size is 8.5 x 11in, which you can adjusted using custom sizing.

Use Canva’s text and icon tools to input your facts and data. Customize your infographic with images, charts, and illustrations!

Add APA citations at the bottom. Place your name “Created by [ ]” and “Brain Waves for Change” in the bottom-left corner. Have fun and be creative!

Step 3: Submit!

Upload your finished infographic to our Google Form! We accept submissions on a rolling basis.

Link: Google Form for Submissions

After your submission is reviewed and approved by our editorial board, you’ll be notified of its acceptance and publication in our collection, with details on how it will be shared in our community.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us here or at!

Our Wave Anthologies

Our Wave Anthologies

Winter 2025: Issue I

Our first issue, Wave Anthology I, is coming soon! Submissions are open now— see above for details