Maddy Nam
Hi, my name is Maddy Nam, one of the project co-directors for BWC. I am a 9th grader at Scarsdale High School. Through my role as director, I aim to educate younger generations on brain health and break down the hard information in the form of infographics or projects. I believe that the younger generations withhold the power to make a profound difference in our current understanding of the human body, specifically the brain. I forward this concept by visiting my old elementary school as a member of the club GEMS, where I help educate rising middle schoolers on science related topics through fun labs and projects. Beyond my passion for neuroscience, I tend to my commitment towards my synchronized ice skating team. During the eight years that I have spent on this team, I have learned the importance of working as a unit and building community. This year, I am team captain, where I have developed vital leadership skills and have been given the opportunity of taking initiative on multiple occasions.